Sons of Norway
Edvard Grieg Lodge #5-657
Cincinnati/Dayton, Southwest Ohio, and Kentucky
First Lodge in Ohio

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Our April meeting will be on April 15, 2023 at 2 PM at the Deer Park Library, 4020 E. Galbraith Rd. Cinncinnati, OH.

The program will be about Norwegian Woodcarving and crafts and their histories.  Members and guests are encouraged to bring examples of their crafts to share with the group.

As always, refreshments will be served!

This is a regular monthly meeting and there is no charge to attend.

Need more information?  Contact Kathy Skinner,, 937-609-5471

If you are an officer or committee chairperson of our lodge and schedule events,
please get the information to me as early as possible so that the events can be included on our calendar.

To submit an event for the calendar:
Send the following information in the body of an email to:
Be sure to write "Sons Calendar Submission" in the subject line of your email.
Please note: Be sure to check your information and spelling for accuracy.
Your information will be used EXACTLY as you send it.

Date of Event (day of week, month, day, year)

Time of Event (i.e., 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM)

Type of Event (Regular Lodge Meeting, Related Organization Event, or other)

Title of Event


Speaker Title

Description of Event (full description in sentence/paragraph style.
Answer the following:  What is it about?  What to bring?  Cost?  Other information?)

Location of Event (include full address for those who use GPS)

Contact for Information (name, phone, email)

Contact for RSVP (name, phone, email)

Thank you!

Lois A. Evensen, Webmaster

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This entire Sons of Norway Lodge #5-657  web site:
COPYRIGHT © 2000 - 2022 by Lois A. Evensen for exclusive use by Sons of Norway Lodge #5-657, Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio
No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form without written permission from its owner.

United We Stand